Test Fit, Best Fit

Test fitting worked out so well, I don’t think anything needs to be adjusted.


5.3L in place on Tinworks Fabrication mounts. Click to enlarge – use browser back button to return.
Nice fit on the Tinworks mounts. Click to enlarge – use browser back button to return.
Tinworks Fabrication Pedestals. Click to enlarge – use browser back button to return.

I purchased Tinworks Fabrication engine mounts, then thought maybe I should just use the OEM V8 mounts. The problem was that I was setting the engine forward about 3 1/2″ so as to not need to modify the drive shaft. The Tinworks Fabrication mounts are made to attach in the front frame and cross member holes, so this made setting the engine forward very easy. Using the supplied adjustable mounting plates and Anchor 2142 mounts allowed me to get the engine within 1/8″ of what I had calculated!

Anchor 2142 engine mounts. Click to enlarge – use browser back button to return.
The mounts also allowed plenty of clearance for the TSP 81073 (Holley 302-2 dimensions).
Excellent oil pan clearance. Click to enlarge – use browser back button to return.

After I purchased this oil pan I discovered the Super Shops SS11004 (Holley 302-2 dimensions) pan for less $.  This pan is available in cast aluminum or  black.

Removing and installing the engine(s) was accomplished without removal of the hood also, which was great since I didn’t have any help available to remove the hood.
Old 350 coming out. Click to enlarge – use browser back button to return.
5.3L going in. Click to enlarge – use browser back button to return.
With the engine out, I was able to clean the old oil build-up and some light rust and rattle can some black on the firewall and frame.
After a good power wash. Click to enlarge – use browser back button to return.
A little rattle-can action on the frame and firewall made things look more clean. Click to enlarge – use browser back button to return.
DBW accelerator pedal installed. Click to enlarge – use browser back button to return.

Meanwhile, during a short lull, I also installed the DBW accelerator pedal to the firewall. This worked out very well, but was a real pain because of the tight space. For clearance while installing, I removed the brake pedal. Whew. I sure should have done all of this with the seat removed. I used existing holes in the bracket and drilled thru the firewall. 1/4″ x 20 carriage bolts holds the pedal nice and secure. Great placement and full travel. The existing 2″ hole for the original clutch will work for the wiring to pass thru for the TAC box.

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