Tanks Inc. PA-2 install.

I was going to save a few bucks and get the unit without the pump and use a Kemso pump, but for only about $20 more I could get the complete PA-2 with the Walbro pump and know that everything fit together correctly without issue.
Straight-forward install. Assemble, cut the hole, drill some holes, install screws… done. Plenty of online videos if there’s confusion.

Wix 33737 Filter/Regulator installed. Wix, made in Taiwan? That’s what is says. Disappointing, but good reviews. I was going with the less expensive (half-price) MicroGard 33737 filter/regulator from O’Reilly’s but it had several reviews saying the pressure was low or erratic.

Fuel system went in without any issues. From tank to fuel rail done and working. See my more recent post about what I did with the sending unit to work with new gauge.
