It’s a cover up…

Automotive Carpet

ACC 1248-232-1219 (black-loop-mass backing) in my C10. Ordered from Rock Auto.

Automotive Custom Carpet (ACC).  is the premier manufacturer of molded automotive replacement carpet.  in fact, Automotive Custom Carpet (ACC).  is the only manufacturer of molded automotive replacement carpet.  They also recently acquired the automotive carpet division of Trim Parts, Inc.  No matter where you purchase it, it is drop shipped from ACC.  Every time I check, has the best prices (including shipping), but I highly suggest you shop the prices.  Seems to be most expensive buying directly from ACC.

There some exceptions for some specialty vehicles like some Jeeps, etc.

I see the question of carpet for your rides in EVERY Facebook auto group, and often.  Sometimes two-three times per week.  My answer is “All molded automotive replacement carpet is manufactured by ACC, no matter where you purchase it” and it’s all “drop-shipped” from ACC as well, again, there are a few exception for specialty vehicles.

You can get other kits, but they are sewn and not molded and they will not fit as good as molded carpet.

From ACC, you have the option of “mass-backing” on most models for additional cost.  This is an acoustic noise barrier consisting of Jute Padding laminated with a thin layer of Asphaltic Mastic. making for great sound deadening.  I believe it makes the carpet lay better also.  You have a choice of several different materials (loop, cutpile, vinyl, etc.).  You can get color samples directly from ACC to assist you in best matching or otherwise choosing the color best for your project.

Showing mass backing and jute padding.

I also purchased the rear cab wall loop carpet for my project.  Same material as flooring without the Jute Padding.

ACC 1710230 (rear) cab wall carpet from Rock Auto.

ACC also manufactures floor mats custom cut/shaped for your vehicle.  While they are a little pricey for what you get, they are quite nice and will match your carpet exactly because they are made from the same materials.

I purchased ACC 1248232 and ACC 1710230 For the back wall.

ACC model number 1248. 1960-1966 Chevrolet C10 Pickup Reg Cab 2WD Auto/3spd Column Shift, Loop carpet


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